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Writer's pictureKate Poyser Clark

End of an Era

the 26th May saw Ned’s (Ian Needham) last rehearsal as MD for Croft. Ned has been with the band for 15 years both as a trombone player and MD. We can’t thank him enough for all his hard work and support for the band over the years. He’s got us through some tough times and even to the Finals at Cheltenham. We all say a big thank you to him.

Of course this means sadly that Gina, our Solo horn player and Ned’s wife will also be leaving us. Gina too has played a big part in supporting Croft with many roles in the band including Chairman, Band Manager and Treasurer so a big thank you to Gina from all of us too.

We wish them all the best for the future and on their travels around Italy. I’m sure we will be seeing them around as they’ve both promised to pop in to see us or guest for us. We hold you both to that . We will miss you both.

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